
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Underneath And All Around

It has been a long while since I posted an update on our house building status. That's because there hasn't been much to tell. But, over the summer there has been some progress from the help of some friendly hire and the little bits of time Nick could put together to work on it.
Behold! It's not naked anymore. We are clothing it with gorgeousness.
Copper metal underpinning.
Wow! That house is tall!
Side of the house. Siding is getting put on.
Back of the house.
Tub shower installed in the kids' bathroom. We also have one other shower installed.
There are holes in my floor! Air conditioning vents.
Inside view of the front of the house. We have two more windows that need to be installed on the top but we had issues getting the right size and color ordered.
Front of the house.
Chillin' on the front porch.
Loving the window color: Sandstone.
As the warm season starts to wind down, hopefully Nick will have more time to work on the house. It won't be long and we will be hiring stuff out and moving right along.


  1. Wow! Looking so nice. Bet you are so excited to move in and it won't be so long now.

  2. Love the pictures - thanks so much for sharing!!!

  3. Aubrey~ this is beautiful.
    What a höme i know you will make out of this home.
    props to you and Nick.
